I will do modern line art text or badge logo design


I will do modern line art text or badge logo design

About This Gig

Hi, I am Abhi, a passionate flat graphic designer, and a creative thinker. I have been working on Fiverr from the last 4 years and have successfully developed 40K+ Brand logos.

Exclusively Premium, Simple, Minimal, Line art, Typography Brand logo design are here to blow you away.

You are paying a quality gig to receive perfect quality service and design.

Note:  This is a highly recommended gig line art, monogram, or text-based/badge logo only. This doesn't include Mascot or Complex detailed illustration.

Why me?

  1. Most Rated and Trusted Seller
  2. Reliable and Quick communication
  3. Printable and HQ File size
  4. Minimalist Logo and Flat Logo Expert

This gig assures you all the print resolution solutions and a brand face for your company.

  • Copyrights will be with the customer.
  • Get the source and editable files ai,eps,psd,pdf and High-quality files.

Minimalist Logo | Minimal | Typography | Professional | Modern | Text | Vintage | Badge | Hand drawn | Feminine | Signature |  Logo Design

Get a free consultation.

Seems Interesting? Let's have a word!

Always happy to help! Order a gig now :)

About The Seller

  • FromIndia
  • Member sinceNov 2016
  • Avg. response time1 hour
  • Last deliveryabout 7 hours
My name is Abhi. I am a passionate graphic designer from India. Beside loving pets, Graphics and Design is my passion. I completed my Bachelors in 2014, I love to explore new things and techniques. I enjoy taking challenges in every situation. Fiverr has been my exclusive way of earning. Happy Fiveering !

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